National Trust Database - Search Results

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Singapore Cottage

17 Coventry Place,, SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 - Property No B7150

A Singapore cottage is a small prefabricated dwelling manufactured from local timbers and shipped from Singapore. All documented examples fall within the period 1837-1854. The Singapore Cottage in South Melbourne, built in 1854, was probably prefabricated by Malay carpenters from tropical timbers for Chinese traders in Singapore. The cottage has four rooms with a central corridor. The most intact components are the frame of heavy timbers and the joinery in the roof space, which ... more



Singapore Cottage

Harkins Cottage

136 Sackville Street,, COLLINGWOOD VIC 3066 - Property No B5411

A prefabricated wooden house which is thought, because it is made of meranti and deridu timbers, to have originated on the Malay Peninsula and specifically, because of the many Chinese characters painted on the members, to be from Singapore. It has a roof of Morewood and Rogers's patent galvanized iron tiles, at least one of which has a painted inscription believed to be that of the Melbourne retailer, and this is thought to date from the original erection of the house in ... more

